- Get the necessary dependencies:
sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-intel - Download the driver version you want to install (either stable tagged or git) from:
http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel/ - Now (extract the archive and) open a terminal in the folder
- Set the x64 library path:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
This is necessary to otherwise the configuration step will fail. - Configure everything to set install path to /usr:
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr - Build the driver:
make - Install the newly build driver to /usr:
sudo make install - Reboot and check whether new driver is installed and looking into:
Search for 'LoadModule: "intel"' (without ''). Three lines below you find your actual running driver version.
Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013
Install and update to latest Intel driver in Ubuntu (without PPAs)
If you are running a Laptop with integrated Intel graphics, it's pretty easy to update your drivers to the latest stable version, without running a PPA. You can easily build and install the driver on your own:
Dienstag, 17. September 2013
Build and install latest PostGIS in Ubuntu Linux
If you need to stick with the latest PostGIS version for your PostgreSQL-database, you either have to find a suitable PPA or simply build the extension yourself, because Ubuntu's PostGIS version is out-of-date. Instead of using 3rd party PPAs, I recommend to build it yourself the following way:
- Install the prerequisite packages:
sudo apt-get install packaging-dev postgresql postgresql-server-dev-9.1 libxml2-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev libgdal-dev - Download the sources (e.g. for PostGIS 2.1.0):
wget http://download.osgeo.org/postgis/source/postgis-2.1.0.tar.gz - Extract the sources and go into extraction folder:
tar xvzf postgis-2.1.0.tar.gz; cd postgis-2.1.0 - Configure the sources
./configure - Compile PostGIS
make - Install the compiled PostGIS extension
sudo make install - Use PostGIS within PostgreSQL:
Freitag, 6. September 2013
Process PostgreSQL data in R with Ubuntu Linux 12.04
Here is the ultimate overview for all who like to work with R in Ubuntu and who want to process data from PostgreSQL. As a requirement, I assume that you already setup your PostgreSQL database.
- Step: Install dependencies (PostgreSQL, JDBC-Connector for PostgreSQL and R)
sudo apt-get install postgresql libpostgresql-jdbc-java r-base-core r-cran-rjava r-cran-dbi
- Step: Open Terminal & run R with
- Step: Install JDBC-Package (RJDBC) for R
- Step: Connect to your database from within R
# Include JDBC package
# Initialize JDBC PostgresSQL driver
drv <- JDBC("org.postgresql.Driver", "/usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc4-9.1.jar", identifier.quote="`")
# Establish connection to database
conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/database", "user", "pw")# Run your SQL select query
data <- dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from iris where Species='setosa'") - That's it :)
Donnerstag, 29. August 2013
Create Virtual Machine with Windows Guest using Qemu/KVM in Ubuntu Linux
I think Qemu/KVM represents a nice native alternative to Virtualbox or similar. Although all the GUI-tools (like aQemu or Qtemu) are broken in Ubuntu 13.04, it's really easy to setup a VM using the terminal. Precisely, you only need 3 commands to get a running VM:
- Create an image, where your VM is installed in. For Windows (>XP) take at least 18Gb:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 ~/VMs/Windows\ 7/Windows\ 7.qcow2 18G - Install your preferred OS in the created image:
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda ~/VMs/Windows\ 7/Windows\ 7.qcow2 -cdrom ~/windows7_image_x64_.iso -boot d -m 4096 -cpu kvm64,+nx -enable-kvm
Explanation for the parameters:
This launches the typical Windows installation, whereas your new image represents your HDD to install to and -cdrom sets your installation media. The -boot parameter ensures that your VM boots the proper partition (you might can leave it out) and the option -m reserves 4096MB RAM for your VM (adapt it to your system). The -cpu parameter ensures that a 64-Bit CPU is emulated, because it's a KVM CPU you have to enable KVM in Qemu too.
Note: Adapt the options to your system, especially in case your x86 user!
- After installation completed, launch your VM with:
qemu-system-x86_64 ~/VMs/Windows\ 7/Windows\ 7.qcow2 -m 4096 -vga std -enable-kvm -cpu kvm64,+nx
Of course you need to define the CPU again, enable KVM and set the memory. The option -vga std enables more and higher resolution within your VM, so use it if your are unsatisfied with low resolution.
Two additional tips:
- If your mouse pointer is caged within VM, free it with LEFT-[CTRL]+[ALT]
- You can reach your Host from the Guest from the IP This might be handy for web developers.
Dienstag, 27. August 2013
Enable Cover-Preview for Audio Files for KDE's Dolphin in Kubuntu 13.04
Unfortunately cover art preview is still not included in KDE (see Bug-report), you can enable that feature by yourself by building and installing the Preview Plugin of RazrFalcon from kde-look.org.
So, if you ever wanted a cover art preview for audio in Dolphin, e.g. like Nautilus has, here's my guide to make it work in Kubuntu (13.04):
- Install the necessary dependencies for building:
sudo apt-get install cmake automake kde-workspace-dev libtag1-dev libqt4-dev libflac++6 libflac++-dev libtag-extras-dev - Get the sources of the plugin:
wget http://kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-files/145088-AudioThumbs-0.2.tar.gz - and create a folder for it to unpack it:
mkdir ~/audiothumbs;
tar -zxvf 145088-AudioThumbs-0.2.tar.gz -C ~/audiothumbs - Cd into the folder with sources and create a build dir and cd into it:
cd ~/audiothumbs; mkdir build; cd build - Now prepare building with cmake:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` .. - Finally compile it with:
make - and install it with:
sudo make install - Update KDE's settings to find the new plugin:
kbuildsycoca4 - End all open Dolphin windows and reopen it. Go to "Control -> Configure Dolphin... -> General -> Previews" and enable "Show previews for Audio files"
- Now move to your folder with music and enable preview for the folder and enjoy the cover art in dolphin
Dienstag, 20. August 2013
Completely encrypt your external HDD / USB-Key securely using Ubuntu Linux
If you ever wondered how to encrypt some external devices in Ubuntu or Linux in general, the following commands will guide you:
1. Create a crypted LUKS container for your device (replace /dev/xxx with your device):
sudo cryptsetup --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash sha512 --iter-time 5000 --use-random --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/xxx
You can also spare the additional parameters, cryptsetup will fall back on the default parameters. Further explanation of what each parameter means can be found here.
2. Open you encrypted container:
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/xxx crypt_container
3. Create a file system within the opened container (e.g. ext4):
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/crypt_container
4. Close the container and unmount it:
sudo cryptsetup luksClose crypt_container
sudo umount /dev/xxx
That's it. Finally, if you disconnect and replug you device, Dolphin or Nautilus will ask you for you password and mount it as every standard device. If you need to check your new encrypted device or partition for errors, read this.
Donnerstag, 15. August 2013
Create *.po translation files from Vala Sources with context information in Ubuntu / Linux
I recently tried to create a *.po-File for translations strings from Vala sources which include locale context information.
As it was not so easy to figure out the right command, I thought I would share it with the internet folks:
xgettext -o result.po -L C -k_ --keyword=C_:1c,2 src/*.vala
So how does this work ?
As it was not so easy to figure out the right command, I thought I would share it with the internet folks:
xgettext -o result.po -L C -k_ --keyword=C_:1c,2 src/*.vala
So how does this work ?
- xgettext extracts the translatable strings from the sources
- ...and puts it into the output file (-o result.po)
- ...it also requires a defined programming language in this case C (-L C)
- ...and needs to know what are translatable keywords (_ for strings and C_:1c,2 for contextual information, in this case)
- ...finally set the input files (src/*.vala)
Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013
Build Umbrello UML modeler from Git in K/Ubuntu 13.04
Umbrello is a neat KDE-tool to create UML diagrams. If you want to test the latest code, why not get the git version ?
Here's a small guide to build compile latest umbrello from git:
Here's a small guide to build compile latest umbrello from git:
- Get prerequisites:
sudo apt-get install cmake make kde-workspace-dev libboost-all-dev libxml2-dev git-core
- Get source from git:
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/umbrello - Configure umbrello:
cd umbrello; cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` - Compile it:
make - Install it:
sudo make install
Montag, 8. Juli 2013
Download all PDF files from Springer Link or other websites in Ubuntu using wget
As a regulary visitor of Springer Link I was always bored to download every single chapter of a publication. So I put together a small wget-comment which allows me to automatically download multiple PDF files from a webpage:
wget -nd -e robots=off --wait 0.25 -r -A.pdf http://yourWebsite.net/
The option -nd stands for no-directories, which means no directories are downloade and -e robots=off forces to not download the robots.txt, because we only want PDFs. The wait command ensures that failed downloads are retried after 0.25 seconds. Additionally I use the r parameter to get PDFs from subpages recursively and -A.pdf to get PDF files only.
Got improvements ? Leave a comment !
Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013
Kubuntu 13.04 - Enable proper auto spell-checking in KDE
Unfortunately Kubuntu does not install the required packages to enable proper application-wide spell-checking. Here is a guide to enable auto spell-checking for all applications in Kubuntu.
1. Install the required packages ($lang is your language shortcut, e.g. en or de):
2. Setup and enable auto spell-checking in KDE:
Open the KDE system settings and go to Locale
There select Spell Checker and enable Automatic spell checking enabled by default and check your default language (in this case German (Germany)). If you finished set confirm with Apply.
In some applications spell-checking is now enabled by default, like LibreOffice Writer in other you have to enable it, like KMail (New Message -> Right-Click).
Enjoy !
1. Install the required packages ($lang is your language shortcut, e.g. en or de):
sudo apt-get install kde-l10-$lang language-pack-kde-$lang aspell-$lang hunspell-$lang
2. Setup and enable auto spell-checking in KDE:
Open the KDE system settings and go to Locale
There select Spell Checker and enable Automatic spell checking enabled by default and check your default language (in this case German (Germany)). If you finished set confirm with Apply.
In some applications spell-checking is now enabled by default, like LibreOffice Writer in other you have to enable it, like KMail (New Message -> Right-Click).
Enjoy !
Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2013
Convert APE to FLAC in Ubuntu 13.04 using Libav
If you have a file in the lossless APE format and want to convert it without installing the MAC codec, you can easily do this in Ubuntu using Libav.
Just install av tools:
and convert the your file/s:
Just install av tools:
sudo apt-get install libav-tools
and convert the your file/s:
avcon -i inputApeFile.ape outputFlacFile.flac
That's one easy of many ways to convert APE files in Ubuntu.
Freitag, 21. Juni 2013
Reset Ubuntu Home Dir Permissions
In case you messed up the permissions of you home dir. Here is a small guide to fix it:
1. Reset the permissions for the directories recursivly:
sudo find /home/user/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
2. and the permissions for all files too:
sudo find /home/user/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
3. Ensure that your GPG directory has the proper permissions:
sudo chmod -R 600 .gnupg/
sudo chmod 700 .gnupg/
If you don't want that other users can read your home folder (which not default in Ubuntu) change it's permission also:
sudo chmod 700 /home/user
That's it. Not that hard, if you know the right commands.
1. Reset the permissions for the directories recursivly:
sudo find /home/user/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
2. and the permissions for all files too:
sudo find /home/user/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
3. Ensure that your GPG directory has the proper permissions:
sudo chmod -R 600 .gnupg/
sudo chmod 700 .gnupg/
If you don't want that other users can read your home folder (which not default in Ubuntu) change it's permission also:
sudo chmod 700 /home/user
That's it. Not that hard, if you know the right commands.
Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013
Check MD5 and SHA1 sum for a file in Ubuntu Linux
Imagine you have a file to download with a given checksum and you want to make sure that the file is not corrupted after download.
It's really easy to compute and check the MD5 sum in Ubuntu / Linux using the terminal:
and for SHA1 checksum:
It's really easy to compute and check the MD5 sum in Ubuntu / Linux using the terminal:
md5sum myFileToCheck
and for SHA1 checksum:
sha1sum myFileToCheckBoth commands compute the corresponding checksum of your file, so you can compare than with the original checksums.
Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013
Check and repair LUKS encrypted partitions in Ubuntu 13.04
Unfortunately Gnome Disks was castrated in version 3.6, it is now impossible to repair LUKS encrypted filesystems with the help of Gnome Disks. But you can easily do this within the terminal.
If you are using a LUKS encrypted partition and you want to check whether it has file system errors, you can do this with the following commands:
- Mount and open your LUKS partition:
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/<yourPartition> <someMountName>
e.g.: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb3 foo - Run fsck on it to check and auto-repair the filesystem:
sudo fsck -a /dev/mapper/<someMountName>
e.g.: sudo fsck -a /dev/mapper/foo - After the check / repair is finished, do not forget to close your LUKS volume again:
sudo cryptsetup luksClose <someMountName>
e.g. sudo cryptsetup luksClose foo
That's it easy peasy, isn't it ?
Freitag, 24. Mai 2013
Install latest Homerun version in Kubuntu 13.04
Install latest Homerun version in Kubuntu 13.04
Just a small tutorial how to build and install the latest version of Homerun in Kubuntu 13.04 as the PPA is slightly outdated:
- Get the latest stable release and extract it or get the git snapshot (via git clone git://anongit.kde.org/homerun)
- Install necessary dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libkonq5-dev kde-workspace-dev kdelibs5-dev - Go into folder:
cd homerun
- Create build directory and go into it:
mkdir build; cd build - Build it:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
- Compile it:
make - Install it:
sudo make install - If you already run an older version of Homerun killit and restart homerun:killall homerunviewer; homerunviewer
There we go ! You can easily remove it via sudo make uninstall from install dir.
Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013
R mit PostgreSQL unter Ubuntu 12.04
Hier die ultimative Übersicht für alle die gerne mit R unter Ubuntu arbeiten und Daten aus PostgreSQL verwenden möchte. Ich geh davon aus, dass die PostgreSQL-Datenbank jeder allein einrichten kann.
- Schritt: Abhängigkeiten (PostgreSQL, JDBC-Connector für PostgreSQL und R) installieren
sudo apt-get install postgresql libpostgresql-jdbc-java r-base-core r-cran-rjava r-cran-dbi
- Schritt: Terminal öffnen & R starten mit
- Schritt: JDBC-Paket (RJDBC) für R installieren
- Schritt: Verbindung zur Datenbank aus R herstellen
# JDBC-Paket einbinden
# JDBC-PostgresSQL-Treiber initialisieren
drv <- JDBC("org.postgresql.Driver", "/usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc4-9.1.jar", identifier.quote="`")
# Verbindung zur Datenbank herstellen
conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/datenbank", "user", "pw")# SQL-Query ausführen
data <- dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from iris where Species='setosa'") - Fertig :)
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