Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

Build Umbrello UML modeler from Git in K/Ubuntu 13.04

Umbrello is a neat KDE-tool to create UML diagrams. If you want to test the latest code, why not get the git version ?

Here's a small guide to build compile latest umbrello from git:

  1. Get prerequisites:

    sudo apt-get install cmake make kde-workspace-dev libboost-all-dev libxml2-dev git-core

  2. Get source from git:

    git clone git://anongit.kde.org/umbrello

  3. Configure umbrello:

    cd umbrello; cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`

  4. Compile it:


  5. Install it:

    sudo make install

Want to run dev version in parallel with the stable version ? No problem just change cmake according to the Umbrello FAQ

Montag, 8. Juli 2013

Download all PDF files from Springer Link or other websites in Ubuntu using wget

As a regulary visitor of Springer Link I was always bored to download every single chapter of a publication. So I put together a small wget-comment which allows me to automatically download multiple PDF files from a webpage:

wget -nd -e robots=off --wait 0.25 -r -A.pdf http://yourWebsite.net/

The option -nd stands for no-directories, which means no directories are downloade and -e robots=off forces to not download the robots.txt, because we only want PDFs. The wait command ensures that failed downloads are retried after 0.25 seconds. Additionally I use the r parameter to get PDFs from subpages recursively and -A.pdf to get PDF files only.

Got improvements ? Leave a comment !

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Kubuntu 13.04 - Enable proper auto spell-checking in KDE

Unfortunately Kubuntu does not install the required packages to enable proper application-wide spell-checking. Here is a guide to enable auto spell-checking for all applications in Kubuntu.

1. Install the required packages ($lang is your language shortcut, e.g. en or de):

sudo apt-get install kde-l10-$lang language-pack-kde-$lang aspell-$lang hunspell-$lang

2. Setup and enable auto spell-checking in KDE:

 Open the KDE system settings and go to Locale

There select Spell Checker and enable Automatic spell checking enabled by default and check your default language (in this case German (Germany)). If you finished set confirm with Apply.

In some applications spell-checking is now enabled by default, like LibreOffice Writer in other you have to enable it, like KMail (New Message -> Right-Click).

Enjoy !